I was once like you.
Why would anyone use Twitter? I don’t get it.
Then one day, it hits me. Use twitter for guitar lessons.
Students could have instant access to available lesson times, the moment the times become available.
If you need a make-up lesson or are just in the mood for a single, one-off guitar lesson, you have a pair of options to get the most immediate updates.
- Check my website daily. The little bird to the right has the most recent ‘tweets’ of lesson times.
- Subscribe to the Greg’s Guitar Lessons Twitter.
The useful feature of subscribing to the Twitter account is that you can choose to have my posts delivered as a text message to your cell phone. This will provide instant updates of all available times.
This is also useful if you use Twitter related desktop or smart-phone applications.
I am averaging at least one day-of cancellation per day. This means a lot of lesson opportunities for you!
So, keep your eye open for a lesson time that works for you.
When you see one, contact me using any of the options listed in the contact tab above, to secure that time slot.